I would like to check if my .txt file ends with a new line, and return an error if it doesn't.
What I have so far is:
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std::ifstream scriptFile; scriptFile.open(scriptPath); // Opening the output file
if(!scriptFile.is_open()){ // If stream can't be openend
std::cout << "\n\tERROR\n";
return 1;
while (scriptFile.good()){ // line comes from "char line[200];"
scriptFile >> line; // avoiding to use getline(scriptFile,line) from <srting.h>
if (strncmp(line,"\r\n",1)!=0){ // last line of the file
std::cout << "\n\tERROR line\n";
return 1;
And it doesn't want to work,
would you have any idea how to do that?
Thanks a lot,
I did not want to use cstring, but I guess I will need it for that...
Would it be possible for you to explain your code to me a little bit?
Why do you copy hold and buff?
Thank you very much though
You can't use getline (or >> ), because these extract the '\n' automatically. You want to use get().
It looks like get() works about the same way as the C getchar():
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char ch;
char lastChar; // this is sort of like ToniAz' buffer
while ((ch = inFile.get()) ! = EOF) // Though not sure EOF is defined in iostream
lastChar = ch;
if (lastChar != '\n') // fail.
Line 4 reads a char and assigns it to ch, then checks if ch is not the EOF. While this is true, store ch in lastChar. We need two variables because we need one to check for EOF and one to hold real values.
I suppose you could use peek(), might even be easier?
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while (inFile.peek()) // Triggers a fail bit for EOF
lastChar = inFile.get();