Algorithm to convert IEEE 754 to DEC dpfp in C++

I am working on a project where I need to format messages to send to a GPS receiver but some of the data types in the messages are DEC Double Precision Floating Point(DEC DPFP). With this in mind, I am trying to figure out how to convert a IEEE 754 data type to a DEC DPFP data type. Any help will be greatly appreciated!! Also, if you know of a site that discuss this type of conversion in detail, that will be appreciated as well.

Thanks In Advance
Looking at some of your other posts, it looks like you're still relatively new to the C++ language so I'm assuming that you started to learn it to solve some real world problems. There is nothing wrong with this, but your application, Electrical Engineering I believe, is not something that "beginners" typically deal with. This thread, and more in the future might be better posted over in the General C++ area.

As for help on your question, it honestly all depends on how the data type is set up. Since neither of them are standard data types, it's going to be hard to help you answer that. If the data types were created by a specific library, there is a possibility that there is some documentation for that library that might teach you on how to convert.
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