I have a homework due soon. Our teacher required us to do what i think is an input output type mo programing. We need to make some sort of class schedule.
We were given these :
X - extra curricular
B - break
C - class
Enter 8:00-9:30 MW, T Th
Enter 9:40- 11:10 MW, T Th
Enter 11:20-12:50 MW, T Th
That was all. Majority of the class doesnt have a clue how to do it.
Either your teacher is giving you a lot of leeway for the assignment or there is more to the instructions than that. In any case, how much do you know? What you done/thought about so far?
Well as far as i know the program outcome will look like a class schedule where the time slots are on the left side(830 etc) and the top portion should contain the days (m,t,w,th). And once x b and. Are entered it will appear on the said slot. I only know how to start it #include <iostream> int.main (). Thats it.....