Book suggestion

Hi i am going to buy a new book.I have learned the basics of C++ upto arrays and strings.Now i need to learn pointers and begin OOP.So I decided to buy this book:

[quote]C++ Primer (4th Edition) by Stanley B.Lippman,Jos
C++ Primer seems to be more of a reference or intermediate programming book, I've heard C++ Primer Plus (despite the fact that the names seem reversed from what they should be) is more of a nice book for fairly basic C++ (which, honestly, while arrays and strings are probably some of the most basic things, pointers, references, and OOP are still fairly basic for this language.)
Any more suggestions??
Take a look at Accelerated C++, it is a much faster pace than the Primer (note that like other good C++ textbooks, it doesn't touch arrays until late, advanced, chapters. Strings and vectors come first).

Another good textbook is Stroustrup's PPP (Programming: Principles and Practice).
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