Help on a game!

i am looking to create a game similar to paper,scissors rock. I have to use classes. I also have to clear the screen after each round and also keep the scores until the user quits.

i am thinking of making a class with private attributes for the user and one for the computer and then taking it from there. I do not know how to start this as i have little knowledge in classes and i have realised a little too late as i will need to get this game completed as soon as possible

i am NOT looking for someone to give me code i am looking for someone to help me out and put me on the right lines as i am not very good at programming at the moment.
Here is a great place to start to either learn or reinforce what you already know.

Think of a class name, maybe player, and what attributes that player should have, wins, loses, selection, etc., and design a class so that one player can be a human and the other can be a computer. Obviously the computer will have to use random numbers, so make sure you know how to do that correctly as well. Then you just compare them against each other and see who wins.

You might think about making a second class that handles the game so all you need to do is type a few lines in main, and the class handles the rest. These are just some ideas to help point you in the right direction.
i am NOT looking for someone to give me code

I wish I saw that more often.

Alongside of the tutorial that Volatile Pulse gave you, you might purchase a good C++ book. Since you seem interested in Game Programming I'd suggest 'Beginning C++ Through Game Programming by Michael Dawson'.
It's a very handy book with many great examples and code snippets to help you learn.
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