Which Book to read??

Hi folks,
I am new to this forum and also have just started learning c++ programming. i have a collection of many books about c++.
Can you tell me which ones are good and in which sequence should i read them.

Thanks in advance.

CODE by Charles Petzold
Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley
Teach yourself c++ in 21 days by Jesse Liberty
Effective C++ by Scott Meyers
More Effective C++ by Scott Meyers
The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup
Windows via c/c++ by Jeffrey Richter
I would stay away from any of the "Teach yourself <language> in <x> days" books. They can be good books, but I have never experienced one that is anywhere near as great as an actual text book. I do suggest Scott Meyers' books that you have listed there, but only after you get a good grasp on the language. Stroustrup's book C++ Programming Language is a great reference book, but not the the best at learning from. I do however suggest that you pick up his Programming Principles and Practice book. It is more geared towards a school course and covers a large group of topics.

The rest I don't know and I might stay away from. With the exception of Programming Pearls. If it's a C++ book, it might be a good read.
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