SO I am entering college without ANY knowledge of C++ or programming, and my math skills are rusty.

Do you think I will be able to succeed in this major?
With enough determination, yes. Programming isn't the easiest thing out there, but much like anything else, with practice comes perfection. You'll never be the best, sorry to kill any hopes you might have had, but always keep at it and know that you will get it. And we're always here just incase you still don't get it ;-)
you sure? I dont want to go into something where i will be shut down because i dont know anything at all 0.-
Every single person started from nothing. C++ wasn't everyone's first language, but if you have no idea how to program at all, there is a tutorial on this site that can help you prepare for your upcoming semester. If this is going to be your first semester, more than likely you won't have any programming classes. Usually you don't get them until your third. But it never hurts to start learning early, does it?

As for being shut down, the only limitations you will have is yourself. If you say you can't do something, than simply you can't. But if you admit that you're struggling to understand some code or a concept, we're more than happy to help.

What kind of background do you have in programming? Web Design?
I have nothing at all, I have one month until school, so I was planning on reading and learning the basics of C++ because thats what they use, and I am majoring in Computer Science., and also studying my BASIC math skills. I am pretty determined, and i saw my curriclum and it said cs121 would be my first class, which included writing codes up to 50-100 lines.
50-100 lines really isn't that much once you learn the basics. But there is no better place to start then with what you're going to learn. You'll need a few things before you start though:
1) Compiler
2) IDE (not needed, but highly recommended)
3) The will and patience to learn the language

What operating system are you using? I'm assuming Windows, but it never hurts to ask.
I am using windows, and I am motivated. Math will be my greatest challenge. I used to be good, but I gave up on it in highschool. Can i add your skype so we can chat maybe?
Send me a private message. Click on my name, then there should be an option to send private message (Left side...).
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