draw polygon

I want to draw a polygon in c++ by using function of graphics.h
how do i do it please give me the excat source code..

i want to draw it like this. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/855/polygon.png/

thanking you..

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Okay, here is the excat source code:

                                | \
                                | |
                                | |
           |\                   | |
          /, ~\                / /
         X     `-.....-------./ /
          ~-. ~  ~              |
             \             /    |
              \  /_     ___\   /
              | /\ ~~~~~   \ |
              | | \        || |
              | |\ \       || )
             (_/ (_/      ((_/
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No one is going to do your h/w for you, we will only help you, so rephrase your question and you should get some replies, until then this website will be useless to you.
Hey, Script Coder. That's not really fair. I did help him after all.
Okay, here is the excat source code:

Ah this is great.
Leave him alone he is only a beginner (to this forum) who is lost and confused. So yes georgep your post was funny, but seriously don't discourage him from programming
Lol if OP is that easily discouraged, maybe programming is not for him. Not too mention OP isn't even wanting to do the programming
please follow this link : http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/75129/
and help me.

thank you.
2 Things:

2. Please use code tags (people are far more willing to help you if you do)
I have now edited the post and i requset you to reply me on that post :D

thank you.
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