Hi all,
If I want to deal with extended ascii, i.e. from 128 to 255, shall I use char or unsignedchar ? If I shall use unsignedchar, how to make it compatible with standard libs functions like stream& getline (char* s, ...) ?
Thanks a lot ! That said, it would have been more logical if the standard library work with unsignedchar, including std::string. It is like if the standard does not recognize the extended ascii. I perform algorithmic on extended ascii, and it would be a nightmare to use signed char, thus char.
Great. Thank you very much Cubbi. This is not directly linked to my original problem, but still very usefull since in my next project steps, you prevent me here from having big headackes.
My use case is char arithmetics for text hashing. Manipulating unsignedchar is simpler.