Assert(what argument does it take?)

what argument does assert take?

The argument from a library, states below, won't run since it doesn't like the assertion of the pointer below. Why is it?

 //returns the current waypoint
  Vector2D    CurrentWaypoint()const{assert(curWaypoint != NULL); return *curWaypoint;}
It's a macro not a function and it evaluates an expression. If that expression evaluates to 0 or 'false' the assertion fails.
The error I get is below, apparently the iterator won't recognise the template <Vector2D>, a class with the "!=" operator. Why is this?

Error	4	error C2678: binary '!=' : no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'const std::_List_iterator<_Mylist>' (or there is no acceptable conversion)	c:\users\portsmouthuni\documents\artificial intelligence\matt buckland\vs8 projects\buckland_chapter3-steering behaviors\path.h	54
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