Account balances

I am getting the error 'Account::credit' : must return a value... any help would be greatly appreciated.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Account {
float balance;

public :
Account (float cbalance)
if (cbalance > 0)
balance = cbalance;

balance = 0;

float getBalance ()
return balance;

float credit ( float amount )
balance += amount;

float debit ( float amount )
if ((balance - amount) < 0.0 )
cout << "Debit amount exceeded account balance" << endl;
return 0.0;

balance -= amount;
return amount;

int main () {
cout << "creating account 1 with $10 " << endl;
Account Acc1 = Account (10);
cout << "creating account 2 with $999 " << endl;
Account Acc2 = Account (999);
cout << "Account 1 Balance is : " << Acc1.getBalance() << endl;
cout << "Account 2 Balance is : " << Acc2.getBalance() << endl;
cout << "adding 100 to Account 1" << endl;;
cout << "Account 1 Balance is : " << Acc1.getBalance() << endl;
cout << "adding 1 to Account 2" << endl;;
cout << "Account 2 Balance is : " << Acc2.getBalance() << endl;
cout << "Account 1 - withdrawal for 200 : " << Acc1.debit(200) << endl;
cout << "Account 2 - withdrawal for 200 : " << Acc2.debit(200) << endl;
cout << "Account 1 - withdrawal for 100 : " << Acc1.debit(100) << endl;
cout << "Account 2 - withdrawal for 100 : " << Acc2.debit(100) << endl;
cout << "Account 1 Balance is : " << Acc1.getBalance() << endl;
cout << "Account 2 Balance is : " << Acc2.getBalance() << endl;


return 0;
I think you forgot to put 'return' in your Credit function. It says it is returning a float, but in the function it only does the caculation, it isn't returning the answer.

return (balance += amount;)

Maybe that would work? Not sure about my code up there, but I am sure that you need to add the return statement. :)
that was it... thank you
Yay!! That was my very first helpful answer, whoo hooo! :)
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