Need ideas.

I'm new to C++ and have a program that the person talks to the program. It is about 500 lines and has different responses depending on what you say. It asks questions from your name to your star sign, your favorite movie to your favorite sport. I don't know what else to add to it. Can anyone help me?
-Modify it so it's easily readable.
-Modify it to ask some of the same questions twice, to see if the user is consistent with their responses.
-Modify it so it doesn't take up as many lines - be creative with your formatting :)
-Modify it so it outputs a compilation of questions and answers and the user's name to a .txt file
-Modify it so if the user provides an answer that isn't right (for example, favourite food: 12943943) the program prompts for an answer until it gets an answer that's "realistic"
-Modify it so that it stores the user's answers in an array of strings.
-Modify it so the first user can stop inputting answers, and a second user can use the program without closing it.
-Modify it that when the program asks the same question to both users, it compares the users' answers to see if the two answers are similar or different.

The sky is the limit.
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