Going beyond basic text based functions?

Hi, I've been studying basic c++ programming for a while now using Dev c++. I have a good foundation of the basic functions C++ has to offer. But I've noticed that people have made 2D games and such before in C++. I was wondering how I could use this language to do more than number games, basic math functions, and other text based applications. How do I go beyond the text and make some real programs? Is there a name for what I'm talking about? What sort of programs would I need?

Many Thanks,
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You're probably talking about GUIs.

If you're on windows, your options are learning the API (http://www.winprog.org/tutorial/) or picking a widget toolkit (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_widget_toolkits).
Well. There are many libraries in the internet offering functions, such as drawing in 3D and 2D. You should check for instance SDL at libsdl.org for 2D prorgamming. And on 3D there is opengl or directx, etc on the market.

Knowing many different libraries and how to use them gives you possibility "just to code".

About to math: check out reference in this site of cmath library.
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