please help with eclipse

I just downloaded c/c++ IDE developer and made a C++ project. but then under problems tab, these come up and I cannot proceed to do anything else from there.

Program "g++" not found in PATH
Program "gcc" not found in PATH
sh-c "autoreconf-i"

fyi, I had a EE java developer installed previously, but when I downloaded c/c++ developer, I just clicked to replace all java's with c/c++.

thanks for the help fellas
Looks like you haven't got a compiler, or you've told eclipse to use the wrong one, or it's not where eclipse expects to find it.
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So what should I do?
Do you have a compiler?
isn't eclipse the compiler? if not then how do i check?

A compiler is a program that takes text files and turns them into binary object files.
A linker is a program than takes these binary object files and turns them into a neatly packaged library or an executable.
Often, the term "compiler" is taken to mean "compiler and linker", and they usually come as a pair.

An IDE is a set of nice tools that help you write the text files and use the compiler and linker. Eclipse is an IDE. SOmetimes an IDE comes with a compiler/linker. Sometimes it does not.

Go back to where you got Eclipse and check if it actually comes with the compiler. Perhaps there is a download with compiler, and a download without. You may have taken the one without.

Failing that, google for a C++ compiler for your chosen OS and see what you find. On linux, gcc (and its g++ guise) is common.
could you please check for me? I have no idea what indicates that there is a compiler included...
Here is the link:

^^ I clicked details on the eclipse that I installed. It's called Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
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Look for the text "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers does not contain a compiler or debugger"... Looks like you have to provide it yourself.
any suggestions on where I should look into? could you provide me with a link? i'm a newbie..
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bumpp please help...
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On that page is a link titled "Before you Begin".
Alright, I downloaded the MinGW. While installing, I clicked download latest repository catalogues, accepted the agreement, and when it asked me to choose which optional components of MinGW to install, I clicked c++ compiler, at the bottom though there are like msys basic system and mingw developer toolkit, which I did not click. After I installed it, I went to computer properties then environment variables and then added ;C:\MinGW\bin to Path. I then searched for cmd and typed in gcc. It outputted, gcc : no input files and in the next line said compilation terminated. I clicked eclipse and clicked C++ project. But still there was no MinGW GCC under Toolchains. All I saw was GNU autotools Toolchain.

Moschops, I appreciate you helping me but could you specify more as to what I should do step by step to get the eclipse to function properly? so that you won't have to come back here and reply to every single problem that I encounter? that will be more beneficial to both of us. thanks in advance.
Short answer - no idea. I've never used Eclipse. I tried it once and I didn't like it. I write my code in text files and manually compile them without an IDE.

Since it said gcc : no input files gcc clearly has been installed. All I can suggset now is that buried somewhere in Eclipse's menus is an options to specify the compiler/location.
oh actually, I tried gcc again in cmd and this popped up, "gcc : fatal error : no input files" and below that is "compilation terminated."

any clue?
Here is one way gcc works; you type "gcc" and then you type the name of the file you want it to compile.

For example,

gcc someFile.cpp

If you don't provide the name of a file to compile, or any instructions, how does it know what you want it to do?
where do I provide that?

now I only get this error... sh-c "autoreconf-i"

can nobody fix this? this is problem something new??
I think you're the first person I've met who uses Eclipse for C++. Now I know why :)

Your problems are not C++ problems - they're Eclipse problems. You would get better responses at an Eclipse forum (like this )
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