Source Code

Hi , I am Beginner and i want to learn c++ for making games script and programing but i has a problem on it .
just i want to knew how to download the source code for c++ because i cannot to write them with my self hehehehehe .
also where can i learn c++ ??
source code for what, you can learn on this site (Documentation: C++ Tut) , of download a book
how to download a book
how to download the source code for c++

That's what programming is. Writing the source code.

Do you mean you need a C++ compiler?
I Want The Codes Who I Must Write On C++ Script Then Learn it .
Or I Must Find The Codes Bio My Self ??
I Want The Codes Who I Must Write On C++ Script Then Learn it .
Or I Must Find The Codes Bio My Self ??

I really would like to help but, what are you saying. You write the source code to a program. Do you want the source code to a game? Compiler?
Sounds to me like you're looking for source code for a game.

I think the Doom III source is available nowadays.

Warning, though, if you're a beginner then the game source code is probably scarier than the game itself.
I Want Source Code For Programm and Games :D
Most of the source code you will find for even the simplest games can get overwhelming complicated to link together correctly. I'd suggest actually learning more about the language before you attempt to just jump in try to do things that are otherwise almost impossible to do. Once you learn more about the linker, compiler, and C++ syntax, someone could recommend some games that you can look at.

A lot of games that are open source use libraries that aren't standard and aren't exactly the easiest things to install. Read the tutorial here, and if you have any issues trying to get the examples to work for you, we'll be more than glad to help you out. Also, once you get more confident that you know what you're doing, the typical first program is tic tac toe and you'll be able to write that yourself in only a short amount of time.

A lot of people then move to games that are slightly more advanced, my next one was tetris.
Good god man, I think you'd have better luck going from your native language, to google translate, and giving us that.

I have not a clue what you want.
The OP sounds more like a troll messing with you all. He wants stuff for nothing and is not even capable of opening up Google and do searches him/herself. A complete waste of everyone's time.
I Want The Codes Who I Must Write On C++ Script Then Learn it .
Or I Must Find The Codes Bio My Self ??

hat off to iHutch105 for understanding what MK1 said ^^

I had fun laughing at this guy or any other guys who came in hoping to be able to program a game overnight (or something like that)
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