from where do i start C++ gui

I wish to learn c++ gui.
can anyone tell me where to start from ?
C++ has no inherent understanding of graphics.

Start with a widget toolkit. Pick one of these:
There is lots to choose from. If I was you I would take a look at the Windows programming (Win32)
It's very important to know the platform you want to develop for.

But for windows you should use WIN32, also i think the Forms in Visual Studio are nice.

If you want to make games then i recomend SDL
Why use WIN32?
Win32 is for the Windows operating system.

Infact here a good website to start learning the basic of it.

After that your better of reading msdn.
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Yeah, but you can make cross platform GUI's arguably easier with something like QT. What is an advantage to using WIN32 which would make it worth using over something like QT?
Can't honestly say. I never used QT. But I found a thread on this forums I read that Win32 is faster then QT but more complicated (Only from what I read).

And I might have to take a look at QT some day. :P
I wish to start from linux. But are cross platforms are good?
If yes, I would like to choose from QT or GTK+.
Which one do you suggest ? And Please give the beginner's link if possible.
Thank you.
GTK+ is in c, but there is a C++ version of it, GTKmm.

QT is more cross platform, when it comes to mobile devices and stuff. It also has a ton of features.

I like GTK because I can use it in combination with Clutter if I want. Clutter is a graphics library for GUI type stuff which uses openGL to render, can draw with cairo, and use GSTREAMER for video.

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Thanks all of you for helping me through this.
I think i'll be starting from GTKmm.
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