Absolute value function?

I am writing a program to a number closest to 100 from a list of numbers. I am not familiar with the syntax. Would I declare int=x, and x (abs=100)?
check math.h library
(look for fabs function)
Ok, so I've got some code on this. I'm trying to get the value closest to 200, but what I am getting is way off. Any thoughts?

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main ()

ifstream InFile;
ofstream OutFile;
int num;
int diff;
int closest;


while (InFile)

if (abs(num-200<diff)) //Sets condition

cout<<"The closest value is= "<<num<<endl;
InFile.close(); // I was asked to include this code by instructor
InFile.clear ();

It is not important whether your program does what you want it has to do. It is important whether your program is successfully compiled.:)
So is your program compiled without errors?
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Nevermind, got it! I forgot to plug in the flash drive with the file on it...Lol. I am a n00b indeed.
I think that this statement is invalid.

if (abs(num-200<diff))
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Yeah, I had to rework the code a little bit, but its working now. Thanks!
My congratulations! I think C Plus Plus and C Minus Minus will give C Zero Zero.:)
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