Oh boy. Linked lists are not my friend. While my understanding is better than it was last year, it is still pretty bad. I completed the "General List" assignment, and I feel like I did a good job. That used an array to hold the list and so it was easy to navigate through. Now, however, the assignment is to convert that program to a "General Linked List" and I'm stumped. Who out there is a link list ninja? Can anyone help? I was hoping to be able to tweak the functions only where they jump through the array, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. For instance, the following is the General List code for a function. I can start with converting this one function, and then maybe be better able to understand how to convert the rest myself...
void list::insertBefore(ET value)
// Precondition: Current position is not already first position in array
// Postcondition: New number has been inserted before current position.
if ((mySize + 1) < CAPACITY) // If we are within the boundaries of the array
if (mySize == 0) // If we are in an empty array
myList[0] = value; // Set num to first position
pos++; // Move position to the right
mySize++; // mySize increases by one
// If not an empty array -shuffle list before you insert new number
for (int i = mySize; i > pos; i--)
myList[i] = myList[i - 1];
myList[pos] = value; // Insert value into current position
pos++; // Move position holder to the right
mySize++; // mySize has increased by one
A linked list is not like an array. Data is stored in a node structure, which also has a link to the next node. These nodes are allocated dynamically one at a time and are linked together as you build the list.
For a node which stores an integer you could declare:
1 2 3 4 5
struct node
int data;
node* next;// this is the link. It points to the next node in the list.
Do you have any code for building a linked list? Probably this was covered in your class or is in your textbook.
Search this site for threads about linked lists. You will find hundreds of them.