hey guys, i'm currently working on a small project that tidy up some pdf files under directory. And i got a few problems.
1. CreatDirectory() & MoveFile()
I have been using this two functions in my code. Originally i did it on Dev c++. And it compiled well in such format:
eg. CreatDirectory(char_type__path, NULL);
Yet when i move on to MS VS 2010 with the same code.VS generated error 2664 and i have to convert the path from string to LPCWSTR type to make it work.
I have read MSDN and know that the standard way to use these functions is with LPCWSTR. Yet I am confused that why i can compile it as char in devc++ but not so in VS? wts the difference?
and wt is LPCWSTR btw?
2. Output to excel
Next step in my project, i have to create a excel record of the tidied pdf files. i have search for ways to output to excel file. yet most of the result recommend outputting .csv file.
I am not familiar with .csv file. can it be directly opened by excel? or is there any better way for me to output it to excel?
all i need in the output excel is as follow:
text1 text2 text3 .....
(yet i want the same file to be updated every time i run the program)
3. Search function
the last thing i need is a search functions that can search the tidied pdf within a directory (and sub directories under it). any recommendation?
I know this is a lot. Please teach if u know the answer of any of these questions. thx a lot!!
1. so dev c++ and VC compile it in different ways?
which is in unicode and wt is the another case?
2. about .csv, i tried it and it works. thx a lot.
just one little thing. every time when i open the .csv with excel the width of the column is too narrow to display all the text and I have to adjust it. I guess there is no way I can save the setting?
3. is there any function that can search the file down one sub level?
eg. search every sub directories under C:\...\Directory\Sub directories\file
that means i can just input the file name and the function will search without a specified directory?
No way. This information must be stored in a file.
that means i can just input the file name and the function will search without a specified directory?
You don't need to provide a directory. But then it looks into the current directory (you may not be aware what it is). You can also use . for the current directory und .. for the previous. It's not trivial. I'd suggest making a test project to check it out.