HELP!!! about quick sorts

I have to do this, but i don't know how, and I asked to student's of informatics, and they don't know how to do!! :S

Assigment 3
You have to implement quick sort algorithm to sort 1.000.000 values. Create a
console application where in the beginning you display menu on figure 3. User has to
input values 1 to 4, which triggers appropriate action:
1. User has to input a single integer x between 1 and 1.000.000. Application
generates a random sequence where x is length of sequence.
2. Current sequence is written to screen.
3. Application has to sort current sequence using quick sort algorithm.
4. Application exits.

Quick sort – selection:
1 Generate random sequence
2 Output current sequence
3 Sort
4 End
Your selection:

Thanks in advance.
We don't do homeworks. The QuickSort algorithm is explained in multiple sites, including Wikipedia. And this site has a C++ tutorial. Mix the two and voilá: You become a person actually capable of doing what is told to do.
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