calculating location somewhere on the map

Problem Statement: Location Calculation

You are required to write a program for calculating location somewhere on the map. There are two parameters (coordinates) used in calculating a location. One is longitude and the other is latitude. You need to overload ++, --, new and delete operators for this.

Detailed Description:

 You are required to create a class named Location.
 It will have two private data member longitude and latitude.
 These data members will be assigned values through constructor parameters. For example obj1(20,30).
 Overloaded ++ operator will increase the both longitude and latitude values by one, overloaded -- will decrease both by one.
 By overloading new operator, you will allocate the memory dynamically for the object of class Location.
 The overloaded delete operator will free (de-allocate) the allocated memory.
 You have to create two objects of class Location. One object will be created through overloaded new operator and other will be created without it.
 A message “Overloaded new operator called”, embedded inside overloading function for new operator, should be displayed when the object is created through new operator.
 Similarly, a message “Overload delete operator called” should be displayed upon calling overloaded function of delete operator.
 Assign the values (10, 20) and (30, 40) for longitude and latitude for object 1 and 2 respectively.

please some one guide me through this program
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