Vectors and Random Number Assign

vector<int> group1r;
vector<string> group1;
    { // Beggining of for loop   
         group1r.push_back ((rand() % group1.size())/2 + 1);

Anyone know why this portion of code is making my program fail and in an unexpected error?
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That looks valid to me.
If you don't give a vector size, it will be zero.
If it's zero rand()%droup1.size()/2 would be as rand()%0.
Returning % the reminder of a division you will get an error caused by the division by zero.

And was cnt declared?
Also, (rand() % group1.size()/2)==((rand() % group1.size())/2), not (rand() % (group1.size()/2))
Group1r does not have a size but is the vector being pushed back at the time. Group1 on the other hand has a size of 12. Cnt was declared earlier in the code as an int.
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Just split it up to debug it. cout the results of the expression broken down into parts and identify the problem.

If I had to guess, I would say there might be a float/double in there somewhere.
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