What is C++ for?

Hi, I'm new here, and I'm wondering what can I use C++ for? My dad told me its for programming and stuffs,

And I'm wondering how do you use it? I'm only 11. :P
I wanna make my own OS, and be the world's youngest millionaire.
Good luck with being the youngest millionaire, I think there is like an 8 year old somewhere in the world that is worth like a quarter billion.

Anyways, welcome to the forums. And to answer your question, C++ can do almost anything. It's used to make a lot of different programs that you probably use on a daily basis, and is very simple to learn. You just need to keep learning more and more until you become confident enough to move to the next best thing.
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As volatile stated, jobs can range from statistical programs and simulation to game designing to reverse engineering(hacking) . Be warned however, if you want to learn programming, its a dedication! It pays off tremendously though in the long run.
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