When enetering in the code for a question I have found my self entering in a question that requires more than 4 or 5 characters, I need more characters so that the program will not all of a sudden ask two questions at once. My program looks like this: Please any help is well appreciated, though my question is very minor, it would indeed help and improve my self-esteem.
This program says hello at the screen to the user.
using namespace std;
cout << "Enter your favorite dream car, even if it may be a little" << endl;
cout <<"far fetched: \n";
cin >> car;
//Say hello to the individual using the program.
cout << "Hello, everyone! My name is "<< name <<" I am a student" << endl;
cout << "enrolled at Springfield College." <<endl;
cout << "My favorite color is "<< color <<" and my favorite fruit " << endl;
cout << "is "<< fruit <<". I really enjoy watching my favorite Popstar "<< Popstar <<endl;
cout << "while eating "<< food << " and " << fruit <<"." ;
cout << "I have "<<siblings<< " siblings, I would really like to vacation" << endl;
cout << "in "<< vacation <<". My goal is to graduate and become a "<<occupation<<".";
cout << "My ideal starting salary is "<< salary <<". One of the" <<endl;
cout << "first things that I want to do once I start working is to burn" <<endl;
cout << "a hole in my pocket by buying a" << color << "(make your friends jealous)" << car <<"." <<endl;
cout << "I hope that you have enjoyed learning about me!\n";