The How To's Of C++

Hi everyone, I just started using C++ 5.02 for Windows just yesterday and have never used C++ for anything. But I have all forms of Basic on the Atari in the early 1990's and also are now using Visual Basic on the PC and also I have some skills that are used for Turbo Pascal knowledge as well.

Okay getting down to business...
I need some code that is able to use the complete viewable side of the screen using DirectX Version 8.0 for Windows XP and thus including and seeing the Winddows start bar, no matter how it looks and a special title bar one that I can change what text is shown on the title bar and finally a menu bar, with the following menu items that are. File, Edit, View, Options, Tools and also Help.
Sounds like you need a GUI toolkit instead of DirectX.
Sorry that was my Visual Basic tongue talking.
So a GUI is something like a Grapical User Interface isn't it?
Yes. If you're using Visual Studio, there's probably something you might use in there. They used to have something called MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes), but I don't know if it's used anymore. There's also the .NET framework. You should look it up in your documentation.

If you don't use Visual Studio or you want a more portable solution (one that can run on other systems like linux and mac), you should have a look at Qt (

Even if you do use Visual Studio, Qt is still very useful. Many people find Qt more "user friendly" than other alternatives.
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