Where can I find preprocessor directives?

I am working with some code that was designed to be used on Windows and Linux. There is a preprocessor condition that checks to see if the variable MYSQL_DATABASE is defined and if not it doesn't use the database. For debugging I am trying to remove this definition but I don't know how.

The entire project is configured as a CMake project and I cannot find where the preprocessor definitions are. In Windows, I can find them in the project settings for the VS project and when I create a project (such as an Xcode project) I can see this:


in a DependInfo.cmake file. I have searched the CMakeList files but cannot find the variable anywhere. It's not in the resulting Makefile or as an environment variable. Any ideas of where it could be or how I can find/change it?
I guess right at the top of your code you could put:


Well, right after where the header files that define that particular macro are included.
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Wow! I did not think to do that. That would work. Thank you!
No problem :)
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