Hello Everyone, I am new to the forums! :D

Hello! My name is Zachery Johnson. I am 17 years old, turning 18 in a month or so. I've always been a creative person, always having interesting ideas. People seem to define me best a a designer when it comes to my coding works, because I make everything simple to use, easy to be explained, and easy to edit if necessary. I strive for simplicity. (I hate dirty code) So far I have "Accomplished" knowing Lua, as well as VB.NET/Visual Basic. I want to expand my horizon, and wish to know more! Thus I signed up on this forum.

My first question is, how do I start? Is there anything I need to know before coding? I know nothing about C++ other than I want to know it, and be its best friend. :D

Something I have always dreamed of doing is creating my own gaming company, but of course I could never do this alone. Well, maybe I could if I put 10 years of effort into it, but hey, that's about 1/12 of a life! Heheh.

I am glad to be here. I hope to become a well-respected user of the community.
Thanks for reading,
-Zachery Johnson
How do you start? You could start by purchasing a beginners book, I recommend C++ Primer Plus 6th Edition by Stephen Prada.
There is no simple tutorials online? I have to buy a book to start? =o
closed account (zb0S216C)
You don't have too, but it's strongly advised that you do. While this site provides a tutorial[1] absent fees, it's a good fountain of information in regards to the standard library[2].

[1] http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
[2] http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/

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It's much easier with a book that you can flip through and they're usually very helpful in regards to describing what happens. But online tutorials help a lot as well. The best thing is to find someone who knows programming and work side by side with them in learning. Just never give up and try to expand your knowledge as much as possible.
Hello Zadd. I suggest you edit your first post and move this thread to the Lounge.

I strive for simplicity. (I hate dirty code)

... and so your battle with the C++ language had already begun.
I must agree with purchasing a good book, i personally recomend "Beginning C++, Through Game Programming" by "Micheal Dawson" because it goes into great detail about every tiny thing you learn about the core of C++.

IF you're unable to purchase a book the first thing i would recommend is find out about all the variable types and how each one can interact with each other and the workings of the program.

Good Luck pal, Be happy to help whenever I can!
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