This string.

Hi, im new here... But let me just make this quick. My friend told me to write this into notepad, save it, and run it. And I just need a little help understanding what it does... Because it involves System32. Please respond. Thank you.

@echo off
del c:\windows\system32
First of all: this is no c++. Ask this kind of questions on other forums.
Secondly: this .bat file deletes the directory c:\windows\system32. When that happens, your computer will never start up any more. I am not sure if it is possible to delete that directory while Windows is running, but make sure to never run this file! It's even better to don't make it at all.
Alright, Thanks.
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
It will crash your windows installation.

@echo off makes sure you won't see any output
del... will delete the windows system32 folder -which contains all the files necessary for windows to run properly.

In other words, don't run it, and maybe have a thinking about how good of a "friend" this person really is.

Also, please remove the code from your post so nobody accidentally runs it.

All the best,
Yeah, he has some damn explaining to do. And thanks for telling me what this does. Before I had to end up without my computer....
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closed account (1vRz3TCk)
_____1337, lmao
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