having a hard time retaining any info

hello, my question is pretty simple. I have read about 3 chapters into a begginers book on c++ the name of the book is "beginning c++ through game programming" im not sure if thats even relavent... anyways what im wondering is if its fairly normal for me to still be looking at beginner code and not really having a clue whats going on. at first i thought maybe i just need to look at it more since i have only been reading the book for a few days now.

just kinda wondering if alot of people had the same experience when starting out or if this is probably not something i will be good at.

thanks in advance for any response to this i know its kind of a silly question just need to know if i maybe need to go about learning a diffrent way.
Have you done any programming before? Is C++ your first programming language?

I've had a look at that book and by Chapter 3, it's just going thru I/O, branching and loops. Those are concepts in all these Von Neumann languages and so a pretty standard affair.

If you've not done C++ before, your learning the language and general control structures at the same time. That is a little more difficult.
this is the first computer language i have evre tried to learn, with the exception of HTML which im not even sur eif thats considered computer language
Personally it took me a good couple years learning by myself until I got a good grasp of the language. I suggest you do the exercises in the book. It will really help you with retaining data.
Also for the first few days, don't expect to remember all the syntax instantly. Its usually good enough to have a general idea of what you can do, and look up the syntax if you don't remember it.
alright thanks guys i think that pretty much answers my questions. i generaly dont consider myself dumb or anything but theres always things that certain people just dont "get"

i didnt expect to retain everything but the amount that i am was kinda discouraging so i thought i would ask.

some of the things im not getting are like loops ( i understand the concept just not really what the author is doing with the code)

anyways im sure ill be back with more noob questions, i usually use forums pretty extensivly when trying to learn stuff like this because the way people explain it here is usually easier for me to understand than textbook explanations

thanks again
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