Uprising Please help!!!!!!

OK hello the, I need some help lately I been working with C++ for almost 3year now and I have finally understood the basic of C++. I know it sound funny why it take me long because I was around the age of 13 when I started learning C++ and now I'm 16. The thing that got me into programming was being able to code game/hack for FPS game. Now I'm moving up to win32 and D3D I know on my way I would almost need to learn Assembly for reverse engineer. I need help in the Assembly part, I don't know where to even start. What is "FASM" and "MASM". can someone post the basic step of assembly and the ASM(compiler) they think I should use I try to download MASM32 but Norton keep stopping me from installing it.
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
Hi there,

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is not exactly an assembly forum.
Please use google to find an assembly forum, or have a look at following links:


All the best,
Sigh I think I clear know this is not a Assembly forum.
But anyway thank for your help.
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
I'm not saying there might not be anybody kind enough to answer your question, just saying that asking your question to the right people will improve your chances of getting a quality answer.

Best of luck,
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