Need Help with this program

I can't seem to understand what this program is asking for. Can someone who understands this please explain to me what am I suppose to do and help me out. Thank you very much.

// FILE: poly.h
// class polynomial
// A polynomial has one variable x, real number coefficients, and
// non-negative integer exponents. Such a polynomial can be viewed
// as having the form:
// A[n]*x^n + A[n-1]*x^(n-1) + ... A[2]*x^2 + A[1]*x + A[0]
// where the A[n] are the real number coefficients and x^i represents
// the variable x raised to the i power. The coefficient A[0] is
// called the "constant" or "zeroth" term of the polynomial.
// 1. This version works by storing the coefficients in
// a fixed array. The coefficient for the x^k term is stored
// in location [k] of the fixed-size array.
// const static size_t CAPACITY
// The size of the fixed array to store the coefficients.
// CONSTRUCTOR for the polynomial class
// polynomial(double c = 0.0, int degree = 0)
// This polynomial has been create with all zero
// coefficients, except for coefficient c for the specified degree.
// When used as a default constructor (using default values for
// both arguments), the result is a polynomial with all zero
// coefficients.
// void add_to_coef(double amount, int degree)
// Adds the given amount to the coefficient of the specified exponent.
// void assign_coef(double c, int degree)
// Sets the coefficient for the specified exponent.
// void clear( )
// All coefficients of this polynomial are set to zero.
// double coefficient(int degree) const
// Returns coefficient at specified exponent of this polynomial.
// void print()
// Output the polynomial using cout in a nicely readable format, it must // not contain any zero terms (unless all terms are zero). Example:
// 3.4x^3 - 2.7x^2 + 7.9x + 4
// int degree( ) const
// The function returns the value of the largest degree with a non-zero coefficient.
// If all coefficients are zero, then the function returns zero.
// polynomial operator +(const polynomial& p1, const polynomial& p2)
// return-value is a polynomial with each coefficient equal to the sum of the
// coefficients of p1 & p2 for any given exponent.
// polynomial operator -(const polynomial& p1, const polynomial& p2)
// return-value is a polynomial with each coefficient equal to the difference // of the coefficients of p1 & p2 for any given exponent.

#include <iostream>

class polynomial
double coef[CAPACITY];
int largest_degree;

static const int CAPACITY = 15;

polynomial(double c = 0.0, int degree = 0);

void add_to_coef(double amount, int degree);
void assign_coef(double c, int degree);
void clear();
double coefficient(int degree) const;
void print();
int degree() const;


polynomial operator +(const polynomial& p1, const polynomial& p2);
polynomial operator -(const polynomial& p1, const polynomial& p2);
It is not a program and it asks nothing.:)
It is a description of some class as I can guess from some assignment for students.
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