overwhelmed at where to begin

Ok, so I've been trying to do searches and asking questions from experienced people and have gotten no answers yet as to where I should begin.

I'm coming here in great hopes of finding a direction, mainly, because it seems I'm not able to even word things accurately enough to do a proper search lol. Either the project I have in mind is too difficult for a beginner, or something to that degree, if that's the case, I don't care, I'm determined to succeed. I simply need a "guiding hand" if you will.

I'm in the process of creating a bot using visual basic 2010. I have no clue where to begin to create this bot however, as I haven't got the programming skill required to do so. If needed, I am willing to start on other projects as to learn what I need to know when it comes to the bot.

The bot is for a multi player flash based game. This is my second time asking for help on these forums, so I don't blame anyone for not answering.

When I began this adventure the question was brought to me, should I go with flash? Or should I stick to something more simple and powerful? Well I skimmed C++ in high school so I have a better understanding of the language. The only thing I know about flash is how to download and open a swf, but recompiling it or editing it on the other hand is.... to say the least.... confusing.

So C++ it is.

There is so much to consider about this project that I have found myself overwhelmed at where to begin or even what to ask someone. I don't wish to have someone give me everything, as I really wish to learn it by doing. I need resources, and I'm not even sure what kind.

I'm guessing the beginning is going to be to get C++ to read the game data. The bot I'm wanting to create is going to have to run parallel to the game, with packet sniffers (this much I picked up from someone who's tried a similar feet), and minor program injections. The game I wish to make a bot for works to stop bots, so I expect this will be a failed attempt, however, that does not detour me from trying.

Does anyone have any advice on where to begin, questions to ask, etc.?
Source codes I can peek at?
Would anyone be interested in tutoring in their spare time? This project will be a spare time project.
Anyone with anything useful to comment, please, I'm begging you, feel free. I'll use any information I can get.
You should try making tons of other projects before making a bot. In making a bot you would have to understand how to do network programming to make it go online, some sort of parser for doing commands (if any is planned) and so on. One reason no one is replying is because this may be considered cheating since you are making a bot for a game as most games don't allow bots and take action when bots are detected or discovered being used.
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
Hi there,

Sorry to say so, but if you mention yourself that you

Yin2Yang wrote:
have no clue where to begin to create this bot however, as I haven't got the programming skill required to do so

A good place to start is http://cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ .
As for flash you can look into learning "actionscript", which is the language it uses.

Don't try to start running before you can walk :)

All the best,
Thanks for the reply, the reason for leaping in head over feet without looking is simple. I learn by doing. The more I do, the more of it I learn. I at one time had q-basic mastered all because I looked at some source code for a few basic games, and programs. Obviously it's a far simpler programming language, and since then I've forgotten most of it. lol.

I'm a hands on learner, looking at code, or samples of, etc. is the best way I know to learn any programming language. It's kind of like trying to extend ones vocabulary. Most people don't think to do so by looking in the dictionary, instead they rely on someone else speaking, and then researching the words.

Not to say that your advice won't be taken into full account, you are the first to respond, and the advice is sound.

Checking the tutorial first, and then off to find new information I guess. Actionscript I had some source code for, I understood some of it, but what failed me was the fact there was so much code I've never even heard of before. >.> Not to mention I found the programs required VERY difficult to use.... as well as the fact I can't afford the full versions. I own a version of Microsoft visual 2010 ultimate because I've always known I would get into programming again. lol.

All of my teachers got mad at me in the past btw for the same reasons mentioned. The statement not to run before I walk.... I don't learn much by walking. *scratches head* my teachers used to force me to go back 3 chapters and reread the material only to find I had memorized it on the pursuit. lol. Should have stayed in college >.<
closed account (o3hC5Di1)

I'm all for "learning by doing".
I do it myself all the time - but there's something as "foundational" or "basic" knowledge requirements.

When you foundations are not sound, it's going to be pretty hard.

To use another analogy, if you jump into the deep end without ever having had any notion of swimming saying "you'll learn by doing" - you'd probably drown.

Learning by doing and having a good foundation can go very well together, in fact, being able to combine the two produces both practical as well as some theoretical experience and is arguably one of the most effective learning methods.

Best of luck.

All the best,
Thanks again for the swift response. As I said, taking your advice in fully. Considering the way flash went, and the fact no one was willing to explain to me what I did wrong, likely that's how this part of the project is looking as well. I'm not blaming anyone by any means, simply, I'm moving too fast. lol.

Well in that case, I've skimmed a bit of the tutorial, I understand it, now I just have one more question. What type of program would you recommend starting off with? I've already done the hello world. It was rather boring, but reminded me a few things about programming before.

I had contemplated to start this project simple, like building the menu. I forwent that option for one reason. I need to get it working so I know what to link each call from the menu to. Hm.... perhaps creating a few simple tasks like reading text documents from a menu for a start...... possibly if I gain an understanding of the client side and how the code works that way I can begin to gain a broader scope for the server side inadvertently without rushing too much?

I guess what I'm saying is I need a good noob project to inspire me. This is where I fail in my learning, the application of environment. This will allow me to fully use the tutorial, as well as get the programming blood pumping in a constructive way rather than using a text book.

I've noticed something, coding comes with either no floatation devices, or too many. Then again that's likely only because of what I've asked so far. lmfao.

Thanks a million so far, any further advice and direction would be awesome. OH as a quick statement, the bot isn't for cheating, it doesn't do anything a person can't, nor better, it simply will be intended to do it when I'm sleeping. It's not for leveling purposes, but to ensure my account is watched over and I don't get beaten unfairly by people in different time zones etc. I'm not one to skip directly to cheats in a game. In NES I had a game genie, it only came into play after I beat the game twice first, and I still hold that ideal. So no one has to worry about me unfairly using it to defeat them in any games, simply ensuring they don't get any unfair advantages over me. :P

Oh, is there a + rep on these forums? Because you deserve one.
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
Hi there,

There's a number of things you can do to get started:

- Google for "c++ exercises", there are some websites dedicated to all kinds of questions which you can solve by programming.
- Try to make your own versions of the examples in tutorials and try to expand them
- Take up a simple game as a project, like "guess the number", simplified blackjack, you can find other examples on the beginner forum - like the minesweeper game someone is trying to make at the moment.
- You can spend time on the forum learning from other people's mistakes, it's also a good way to give something back for the time and effort people put into writing the tutorial.

I know it's not always fun to start with basics, but again it is a necessity if you really want to understand what you are doing. If you want to learn mathematics, don't start by trying to design a space shuttle - kind of thing.
Personally I find that if you approach learning in itsself as a skill which you can train and develop, it can really help in whatever new thing it is you decide to take up in your life.

Anyway, have fun learning and let us know if you require any help on any of your test projects.

All the best,
Thanks, I'll get started soon then. Hm. With that advice I think I'll be a faster study than I expected. Think my goal will be in a month or two to work on the minesweeper game, and a menu system for it since I'll need the experience for a menu anyhow. My end of the summer goal may be to add graphics to the menu, and make it a pleasent user interface or something. Will have to see how complicated I need to make it to properly learn when I get to that point. lol.

Thanks again for the advice, definitely going to follow it. :)
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
Hi there,

Most welcome.

Here's something I stumbled upon that can give you some inspiration for exercise programs:


All the best,
It's not terribly outdated, but I would recommend also getting a used copy of "The C++ Programming Language Special Edition" by Bjarne Stroustrup as it is a great source for exercises and data on C++.
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