New here

May 25, 2012 at 2:04am
Needed to find a forum where everyone knows a lot and can help. I have recently gone into C++ in a major way (have worked with a little programming in the past), but now I am serious about it and want to get a job doing this type of programming and maybe more.

I do have a few questions to start off, and it can possibly help me in the start.

Started using Microsoft Visual 2011, but for some reason whenever I code something, it does not debug (that option is closed off in my menu)


I turned to codeblocks. Now, my problem with it is whatever I code and try to use, it comes up as a threat of a Trojan. What gives?

I have done little programming int he past (made a Celsius to Fahrenheit displayer), which was actually fun to write, compile, and run and then gloat to people on what I knew. Now, I am back to square one and wanting to gain employment to whatever I can achieve in knowing.


Apparently, full time jobs in graphic design died out when the US economy collapsed.

Thank you for reading,
May 25, 2012 at 2:49am

A) It'd help us a lot if you showed the code that was causing problems. Without it, there's a limit to how much we can help you, and a pretty low one at that. :/
B) If I had to guess, I'd guess that you're using a system() call somewhere and that's what's causing the problem. Some antivirus programs will complain about it (and it is a security risk).

Good luck with your problem. :)

May 25, 2012 at 10:11am
*Albatross- it's a simple noob coding.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
cout <<"Hello World!\n";
return 0;
I keep on getting errors and signs saying it's a virus.
Maybe it's the "int main()", I don't know- but it's really been bugging me.

May 25, 2012 at 10:31am
That code is fine. If some other program you're running is declaring it to be a trojan, then you need to change the settings in that other program.
May 25, 2012 at 9:59pm
It's my anti virus declaring it as a trojan.
May 25, 2012 at 10:09pm
Some AV's have been known to issue false positives for otherwise innocuous code. AVG is the worst offender that I can think of, and Avast has been known to do it.

check it on
May 25, 2012 at 10:22pm
I see now, so what anti-virus programs won't show this as a threat?
May 25, 2012 at 10:28pm
save that code you wrote above to a file, then upload it to virustotal. You will get an itemized list of the AV's it used to scan the file and whether each AV detected any threats.

Any AV's that didn't issue a false positive are possible candidates for you choose from.

A less dramatic solution would be to disable or set to ignore any threats originating from a particular application (Code::Blocks, in your case.)

May 25, 2012 at 11:17pm
Needed to find a forum where everyone knows a lot and can help.

Good luck finding one. This is a beginner forum, where everyone asks questions so that everyone else can learn how to answer them. :)
If the answers benefit you, that just an unintended side effect, since once you start to learn, we stop.

Concerning your antivirus problem: Check your AV settings for anything having to do with "digitally signed", or "modifying executable". Aggressive anti virus software hooks common operating system services and tries to filter out bad behavior. Unfortunately, what a compiler does often falls into that category.
Last edited on May 25, 2012 at 11:21pm
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