When I write a prgram the result comes
hello worldpress any key to continue
How can I print just hello world and no press any key to continue
It would be a good help to me if you tell me this.
It depend. If you have simple program which write hello world in console than the press any key to continue is wrote by program in which you debug, run it. For example, if you use visual studio to run the program without debugging it write press any key automatically.
You can try run the exe file which is builded and you will see that press any key will not apear.
Hi to all, I am a baby programmer, plz I need some one who can just start to guide me as touching programming in C++. plz such person can send me his/her name, email address, phone number. my email = goodybub2005@yahoo.com and my tel = +2347034642868. I am Goody.