
I'd like to know something. I'm 14 years old and I want to take a c++ course. But, I have no knowledge about any other scripting languages (except a little VB). So, I'd love to know. Will this affect me badly?
closed account (z05DSL3A)
That is imposable to answer. Each person has a different experience when learning a subject. You may find that the source expects you to have experience that you lack or it may teach you everything you need to know when you need to know it. The best thing to do is give this sites tutorial a read and see how you get on.
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
Hi there,

I'm just learning C++ myself, coming from a scripting (PHP) background.

I must say that the PHP background (basic programming logic, OOP principles, etc.) are a great help in understanding C++.

C++ appeals because some people say "if you know C++, you can learn any other language quickly". Part of this is because C++ is very broad and versatile, which makes it a bit harder to learn.

My advice would be to start out learning a different language which is OO capable, but which takes away the lower level stuff like memory management.
As I said, I found PHP to be helpful for this, but if you'd like to get more into application programming Python has a pretty good reputation as far as that goes.

Anyway, just trying to help, not wanting to start a "language war" here.

Grey Wolf is right though that this is an individual matter, so you could always give it a go and see how you get on. Whatever you learn in those beginning stages will most likely help you in other languages as well, should you find it a bit too hard.

Hope that helps,

All the best,

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