Totally lost! dang@


OS: Windows 7 64bit Ultimate

I tell you this compiling thing kicked me arse tonight. Most tutorials aren't helping because they are leaving out things I don't know. Downloaded some videos, and they are showing software they are using but don't say what software it is, why they use it or where they got it. You know.... knowledgeable folks assume us noobs know everything already hehe.

Ok, the problem, I made the hello.cpp deal. But then have no idea what to do from here. I want to compile from the command line. Don't want to gimp myself using an automatic compiler's easy button.

Very elementary questions I'm sure, however please please bear with me on this learning curve. I am seeking guidance.

I think I understand what the command is supposed to be, but what do I need to install software wise to give the OS the capability to compile from command?

Also correct me if I am wrong... After compiling the hello.cpp will I have an executable that I can double-click and run, or will I need to open it from the command line too?

I have put together some guides to get me going, but there is so much info about compiler software from so many different sources that it just ended up confusing me. I want to keep it simple, don't want to do this in VS studio or any other visual type app. Will use that later when I know how to manually do things.


download it , install it, use it.Yes ull have an exe file for hello.cpp that u can paste in a folder, set the cmd line path to that folder, run the exe from cmd line.if u hav further doubts pls feel free to ask.
That link is Dev-C++. It is not a compiler, it's a IDE. For your needs, stay away from that. You need Windows's GCC (Gnu Compilers Collection) port, called MinGW. That's all I can say.
closed account (4z0M4iN6)
The easiest way and the best way, would be to use the build button, or still better the start without debug button. And to see the errors and to click and you have the line with the error is a great advantage.

MinGW is a slim version of the linux g++. If you would install SUSE Linux, you can easily install all c and c++ linux gnu compilers, and they work very fine. You can easily use them at command line and also combine them with IDE (KDE? - sorry I forgot, Eclipse).

A problem would occur, if you would want to install after this a second Windows, like you have WIN7 64 bit, and would like also WIN7 32 bit. If you have this before: no problem. If you would want this later, I could help.
The DEV c++ IDE also comes with a compiler, using which u can directly compile without using IDE or while installing u can select only compiler feature . else ultimate
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I want to learn using the command line. I have eclipse on my debian box, i am kind of familiar twiddling with already made game code(though I have no idea what the code means) in eclipse. All the IDE stuff is cool for having those extra tools however, like I said I decided to buckle down, go back to the beginning and learn it old fashion.

Aren't there debug commands from command line too? I am starting from total scratch so the code I will be using for tutorials is very very basic stuff. For now something that will get me compiling with command line is perfectly fine.

Windows GCC sounds kind of like the ticket?

Any compiler can be invoked from the command line, so specifying that you need a compiler that you can invoke from the command line is just a little bit redundant.

@Cire how am I supposed to know that? I'm sure you're known around this forum, but I'm new to all this and seeking advice, snide comments don't help. However the first part of what you said shed some light, so I do thank you for that.

I don't want this thread to get off topic, as you can see multiple people answered with opinions of what I should do. Trying to decipher this is kind of confusing still.

Since most compilers CAN be invoked from the command line, what compiler has best support as far as information goes for a beginner? I have seen some that have a lack of support information.

Is there a "standard"?

Thanks everyone.
@Cire how am I supposed to know that?

It seems reasonable that since you use a compiler, you know how to actually use it. Every compiler is a command-line tool.

The most "standard" compiler is the GCC, which strictly speaking is the GNU Compiler Collection,. but for C++ everyone knows what's meant by it. There is a vast amount of information about it on the internet, and the GNU pages list all the command line options in detail.

Under windows it's not quite so simple; many go for the MinGW set of tools, which includes a port of the GCC.
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@Cire how am I supposed to know that?

If I thought you knew it, I wouldn't have mentioned it.

I'm sure you're known around this forum, but I'm new to all this and seeking advice, snide comments don't help.

There was nothing snide about it. Please refrain from reading emotion/malicious motivation into perfectly innocent and informative remarks. It'll make your stay in the online community much more enjoyable.

Tutorials can be found in various places for all of the popular choices (mingw, cygwin, clang, VC++.) Perhaps you should seek out the tutorials first and make your choice based on what you think of those. It's easy enough to change your mind later.
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