Guys i need the code design for this question

Guys Please this was my coding test.......i am really finding it difficult

Design a bus timetable system for 2 bus companies. Read the original timetable from an input file, sort it according to the departure time and do some optimizations and generate an output file with the optimized timetable containing efficient bus routes
I'm not surprised you're finding it difficult as the question makes very little sense. Why would TWO bus companies need the same timetable? What original timetable? Are you supposed to guess what info is in it? Optimize how? You would need to know where the busses stop to generate efficient routes.

BTW, even if we could understand what you want we will not give you the 'code design'. You have to show what you have done so far and ask specific questions when you get stuck...
I need a outline of how its done......i'm not well versed with file handling API's............
How WHAT is done??? Maybe I'm missing something here but if this was a coding test can't you just post the actual question? There has to be more to it than what you're telling us.

At least post the code you have where you're trying to open and read a file so we can see where you're stuck. Also post a few example lines from this "original timetable" so we can see how it's formatted.
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