Type double

I've never perfectly understood type double. Type int is for integer. Type void is . . . um: void. Type bool is boolean. All of them are pretty easy to understand and pretty self-explanatory. I've never understood what double is for though.

Any help would my highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
~ Ahaan.
The double is pretty much for a non-integer with a quickly terminating decimal expansion.
Ok well first you need to at least be familiar with a floating point number. Basically, all it is a number with a decimal point. You can look up why it's called a floating point. Anyway, a float is called single precision and only goes out to x bits after the decimal (I don't know the number). Precision is just a term for how many numbers after the decimal point there. Now a double, is short for double precision floating point number.

So that's why it's called double :D
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