error c3867

I get this error
Error	1	error C3867: 'manager::wage': function call missing argument list; use '&manager::wage' to create a pointer to member	

from this block of code
manager::manager(int id, string name, double salary):staffMember(id, name, "manager", wage)
	this->_salary = salary;

but this block of code works perfectly

manager::manager(string name, double salary):staffMember(name, "manager")
	this-> _salary = salary;

What is happening and how do I fix it
It seems that wage is a function member. So either you should supply arguments to it or use it as an argument of the constrauctor as a pointer to a function.
I gave arguments to wage and it fixed the c3867 error and gave me a c2660 error wage dosent take arguments so am I going to have to use the &manager::wage pointer notation and if so where do I declare it
Maybe you should simply specify wage()?
I did that and got error c2660 wage dosnt take arguments

this is the actual error message
Error	1	error C2660: 'manager::wage' : function does not take 0 arguments

I fixed it I didnt notice that zero in the error message it needed more arguments
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