MineCraft Robot program

Hello. I am aware that MineCraft is written in Java, but I want to write a C++11 program that will direct "robots" to mine, cut wood, and do other robota that I don't want to do.

I'm thinking about starting with some info about how to make bots and going from there. I could learn how to use a C++11 program to control my character on MineCraft, and then I could move on to write programs to control mobs like pigs, sheep. creepers etc. I would then have to design the robot mob itself, which is an entirely different task.

I don't want to write this in Java because it is verbose. Mojang has tried to make intelligent mobs with Java, but they are still very dumb. Recent updates helped, but they still suck.

Please help me. I would really like some basic info about how to use a program to "run" a character in a video game, even if it's as simple as simulating key strokes.
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