Reading a file

i have a file that looks like this:

integer integer integer integer string
integer integer integer integer string
and so on...

i need to assign these values of the integers from the file into a multidimensional array.
i know how to assign values automatically in a multidimensional array with counters and FOR LOOPS, but i'm having a hard time on this. how can i skip over the strings and go onto the new row for the next set of 4 integers?

so far i have this for automatically assigning values:
for(int row = 0; row <= 25: row++)
for(int column = 0; column <= 4: column++)
side note: the 5th column would be the strings i'm trying to avoid

this is for reading values:
ifstream readIn("classData.txt");

int test1;
int test2;
int test3;
int test4;

while(readIn >> test1 >> test2 >> test3 >> test4)
cout << test1 << "\t" << test2 << "\t" << test3 << "\t"
<< test4 << endl;
side note: 25 rows total, only 1st row of integers print. stops run early because of string

how can i combine these with two without a problem?
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