"RPG Frontend" IE A M.u.d.

Hello my name is james and this is my first post on this forum...

I am currently working on a project that well, is an RPG...

I use DevC++

I am sure most of you have heard about a mud. My goal is to create my own, much simpler.

You may request what I have To date via email.

My current problem is Array's?
That is a question because i'm not that good at coding. I can read it, and can write it to a point...(request what i have to see how far i've gotten)

I'm looking for a better way to prompt the user for information like their race or class, I am currently using #define RACE (races) same with the classes. but this will only display the string that is stored.

Isn't their a way to like map an array to cout, then restrict cin to only accept those values?
Bare With me here
here's what I have....

// LINEBREAK is cout << "************" << endl;

#define RACES cout << "Human\nElf\nHobbit\nGnome\nOrc\n" << endl;
string race;
cout << "Please Select A Race From The Following..." << endl;
getline(cin, race);
cout << "You Have Chosen " << race << ", As Your Race..." <<endl;

don't get me wrong the code is working fine, I just feel there may be a better way to do such a thing...

I bring this up because i'm not really good at codeing and I've searched around then net for arrays including posts on this forum but I couldn't get the result i wanted...

If anyone wants to help me out as a tutor or simply answer my noob questions I would be greatfull.

Also I have heard that RPG/MUD are really advanced, Any ideas on progs to help me get fimilar with loops and anything else would be useful...

Anyways, most of the program is cin, cout style with predfined strings...

Things to come:
HP system
Switch(or a better way to) give toons an option to either "go left or Go right"

Well, that's my little rant. Again thank you all so far the help i've gotten from this site... Makes me feel humble...

James Finch, AKA (Enigma -- Conjures A Pillar Of Light...)

PS: Anyone that wants to help contribute Is welcome...

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