Fun projects in c++

Pages: 12
I know the basics of C++ and I want to do some fun projects in c++. Could anyone suggest something fun and interesting?
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Tic tac toe games aren't uncommon.

"The basics." Does this include Object-oriented programming (classes, inheritance, and so on?)
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Yep, I'm familiar with classes objects inheritance virtual classes etc. I'm not new to programming though. (But I am too OOP). I've done a fair amount of procedural PHP programming.
closed account (4z0M4iN6)
I could imagine some fun project.
You know about the file system and DOS commands.

What would you think, to make such a system for GUI objects?
Moving, Copying, Deleting GUI Objects, Saving GUI objects (Widgets or Gadgets) to files and much more such funny things, like having a bag, put GUI objects inside, bring the bag to another panel, maybe a storage room, empty the bag, put the objects in cupboards, shelves and so on, make them bigger, add some other details - also click events, mouse events, all what you could think.
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I have no idea where and how to begin. Could you tell me where and how to start? Thank you!
closed account (4z0M4iN6)
I's this: .NET GUI already has such a directory system for GUI objects, where you could lookup the objects and manipulate opjects - even during run time of an application.

What is first needed is some tool, which can be used to look inside this system. Because, we don't know, which tools we all need, it has to be something universal and should be also simple to use. The third step would be to make some DOS like commands, like cd, dir, select (not dos like), move, delete.

The first step, is to add a console window to a GUI application.
The second step is to read the input from the console window, to extract commands and parameters.
The third step is, to execute the commands.

There will be much more steps, like make an interface to other dynamic programming languages, to extend our DOS like command system to a c- like (better c++ like) language and so on..

The first step is, to add a console window to an application. Do you know how? There are different ways. Somebody said AllocConsole maybe could be used, maybe you can find out about it.

I could offer a terminal program, which runs in a DOS box, if there should be a problem with AllocConsole.
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Hey, thanks for replying.
No I mean I am a complete newbie to software application development. I don't know .NET :S. Where do I start as in what do I download first and what do I do with it haha
well, if you want to start on graphics try downloading SFML or alegro. My internet connection is, well, horrible, so I'm still trying to get one or the other, but supposedly they give you functions to work with audio and graphics.
Then you could start in on game creation etc.
Tic Tac Toe was also a good suggestion if you wanted a start in simple AI and game creation without the use of a graphics download.
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What is alegro? How would I use that with codeblocks? Does it contain header files? Sorry please ignore my lack of cpp knowledge, but as I said I am a complete beginner
If you're a "complete beginner", I would suggest making some simple console based games.

As previously mentioned, tic-tac-toe is a popular choice. Or you could make some sort of text based adventure, see Zork:
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But I don't know where and how to begin! What would I need to download to make these games? Is there a tutorial that'll show me how to?
Thanks for the help!
You don't need to download anything other than a simple Compiler and, preferably, some IDE. For the Tic Tac Toe example, just apply what you already know and hope it works.
How do I create the graphics for it?
I have codeblocks
You would essentially create the graphics using a series of cout statements.
Okay Tic Tac Toe is going to be tough then O_O. But what if I want to use the graphics header files and use C++ for game development?
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By using SFML, for example:
Tic tac toe is by no means hard, so I don't recommend. I honestly recommend trying to get a 3rd party graphics library up and running. It is likely going to be a pain, but it'll pay off
Pages: 12