Merging files with opencv

Hello, I have taken two black and white images that are different sizes and merged them togather. The area that was not covered by either area is black. Is there an easy way to make this white? If not I'll settle for the hard way. :)
You could start with a white palate and place these images on top of each other. (0xffffff). If you initialize the palate to 0x000000 then that is why you are seeing black.
I'm sorry, I'm a little new to this. What command would I use to initialize the palate. I have been searching through tutorials but have not run across anything like this.
to answer my own question in case anyone else is curious

cvSet(dst,CV_RGB(                                //destination image bacground
                    255,                                   //Red
                    255,                                   //Green
                    255                                    //Blue

sets the screen to white.
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