What do I actually write in?


I have just started looking in to programming. I am trying to write my "Hello World" program but I don't understand which software to use. I have been told "TextWrangler", "Xcode", and "Code::Block". I think I understand that Xcode is a compiler and what that means, but does that mean I write the code in there?

I hope I explained this clearly, it is VERY confusing to me at the moment.
Xcode is an IDE for Apple, I think. I don't know, I never used Mac for anything. Depends on where you want to, I guess. You can write your code in any old text editor and just save it as a .cpp file, and then run your compiler through a command prompt/terminal. Or you can just write it in the IDE you're using and click "Run"
What is Code::Blocks then? Should I just not use that, write it in TextWrangler, then import it to Xcode? I mean if I am able to write it right in Xcode then why not?
Code::Blocks is like another debugger for c++ or what ever else languages it uses. All I know is Code::blocks can be used for C++ coding. I actually have Code::Blocks, and it is free...
Yeah I downloaded Code::Blocks too and it is kind of annoying me. For one I don't have or can't find MinGW (whatever that is) and also I don't know the difference between a debugger and a compiler... I really don't know anything and wish it wasn't so hard to pick up on.
Well I think the difference between a debugger and a compiler is that a debugger is more just for testing purposes, so your code will always stay within your testing limit... and as for compiling is like more for when your code is actually finished and you want to use that "program" and or share it with people so they can use it too. I hope I explained that well? lol
Code:Blocks is an IDE, not a debugger. It has a debugger, and linker, and compiler, and some other features. This is how most* IDEs are. Code::Blocks employs a bunch of different compilers, but the main seems to be GCC. When you download Code::Blocks, you want to click the link that says it includes MingW. MingW is just a tool set.

Don't worry, it may seem like a lot right now but it does get better. I remember feeling the same way you do now.


This is the link you want for Code::Blocks. I'm assuming you are on Windows? If so you want the second link under Windows.
Yeah, what ResidentBiscuit said. I am not that experienced.
A compiler simply* takes source code and compiles it down into a machine language that your computer can actually read. When you compile, you get a .exe file.

A debugger is just a tool that you can use to test your program more efficiently.

*There is actually a lot to compiling, but this is all you really need to know for now.
Ok well I am on a MacBook. I have tried downloading a Code::Blocks link using the tutorial here:


And it is giving me a problem. *Semi* conveniently, the problem I'm having is the exact one under "troubleshooting" on that link. I just still can't figure out how to fix it despite that aid. I think this is because that aid is on a PC and I am on a Mac.

Can either of you or anyone else help at all?
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