Is there any good book for graphic programming?

I have just finished the part of general programming, could I start with graphic programming right now? I'm not sure what I can do with C++ study now.
Thank you for your advice!
I think the libraries actually depend on which OS you're using. So what sort of machine are you using?
closed account (4z0M4iN6)
I would think, you should do some implementation. The first thing, what I did long time ago, after having red a book about C, was, writing my first C-program. And it wasn't "hello world" but a text editor. Maybe nine months ago, I had red a book about C++ and then I had a look about .Net and thought, oh how complicate they made this. Anf then I thought, I should make this simpler and I began to implement a dynamic language with a very interesting syntax. The syntax could be as simple as in batch programs, like "echo Hello World", but it could also be similar C++.

And I could do things with it, which nobody maybe could have imagined.
I want a button, with name OK?. I simply typed: "button OK" and I had it. I wanted, if the button is clicked, it shall output "Hello World" and I simply typed in: "click echo Hello World".

I wanted to move the button or a complicated GUI object with the mouse I simply typed in: "click shallmove" (depends what name you will use).

And the syntax is very variable. But the laguage don't have, what other programming languages have:

operators: dont't need, because you can define functions with operator syntax
variables: don't need, because you can define functions with variable syntax
keywords: don't need, because you can define functions with keyword syntax

And very interesting: it's not only a language, it's also an interface which connects C or C++ with other languages, which have a C or C++ interface. I implemented an interface to "squirrel". And it doesn't matter, in which language you implement your functions: C, C++, suirrel or my language (maybe "lua" could also be interesting). It's all connected and all the same.

It's a pity, I began, when a had no work and had time. Now I have work, but no time for finishing this project. Maybe you are interested? Most of it is about GUI programming. But the implementation was made quick and dirty and would need some rework. I don't have time yet. Maybe you have?

The language works like an interpreter, but can also compile.

You write a function, for example:

function multyply(a,b)
      return a * b;

This function works, but maybe not so fast as you wish. If you want it fast, then you write the following line:

compile multiply

And now you have a function with a good performance.

And if this wouldn't be fast enough, you can write the function in C/C++.

I don't know, whether such a project would be interesting for you.
Sounds interesting to me, I'd love to see the source.
I agree, I'd like to see some of this. Or how you implemented this at all.
closed account (4z0M4iN6)
OK, but not today. I have to work.
closed account (zb0S216C)
Since only Whovian bothered to post a relevant answer to the question, I'll add to it.

By "graphical programming", do you mean OpenGL/Direct3D, or GUI (Graphical User Interface) programming? If your looking for OpenGL, I'd recommend the "OpenGL SuperBible"[1]. If Direct3D interests you more, then I'd recommend "Introduction to 3D Game Programming with Direct X 9.0"[2]. Most Direct3D books out there are based on games programming.


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closed account (4z0M4iN6)
Ok, I have a little bit time.

It's not so important, which GUI you use. You should write your implementations platform and GUI independent. But before can do this, you first have to learn about one GUI. But don't worry it's not much. Just begin and make it steps by steps. And after some steps all will come together.

I suggest you simply take VC10 or VC11 and .Net with managed code, try to make a button with the designer, add a click event to the button and add something like "Console::WriteLine("Button clicked"); to the click event.

If you don't know how, ask the experts.
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closed account (4z0M4iN6)
naraku9333 wrote:
Sounds interesting to me, I'd love to see the source

I think I can't do it this way, because you would have many questions. And it would lead to much discussions.

I fear I don't have time for this.

But I could do it the other way round. If you have understood the basics, I could give you the examples.

And instead explaining much, which would also cost me much time, I could ask you something, maybe you can find out yourself how to do it and maybe you find out something, which I didn't have thought about, and which could also be interesting for me.

So let me ask one small question.

How would you add a console window to a .Net GUI application?

If you don't know, then post it. (also don't cost me much time)
So you don't want to post the source because it might start a discussion?
How would you add a console window to a .net app

closed account (4z0M4iN6)
naraku9333 wrote: AllocConsole?

I am not an expert and don't know about AllocConsole. You should try, and if it don't work, you could ask the experts. Maybe they could tell us the best solution.

It seems, it could work, but depends also, what we want to do with this console.
Can we also call batch programs and exe files from this console?

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closed account (4z0M4iN6)
Why we need a console?

.NET GUI has a kind of file system for Widgets. When we have a console we can enter commands like cd, dir, select, move, delete and much commands more for widgets. Then we need an interpreter for the commands, later we also will make a compiler.

If your AllocConsole works, maybe we should use this console. I think this console also offers colors - which would be fine.

My console isn't added to the application, but is a terminal program which can by used inside a dos box. When you have found out about AllocConsole, I will show you my terminal program and even the source code.
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