I would think, you should do some implementation. The first thing, what I did long time ago, after having red a book about C, was, writing my first C-program. And it wasn't "hello world" but a text editor. Maybe nine months ago, I had red a book about C++ and then I had a look about .Net and thought, oh how complicate they made this. Anf then I thought, I should make this simpler and I began to implement a dynamic language with a very interesting syntax. The syntax could be as simple as in batch programs, like "echo Hello World", but it could also be similar C++.
And I could do things with it, which nobody maybe could have imagined.
I want a button, with name OK?. I simply typed: "button OK" and I had it. I wanted, if the button is clicked, it shall output "Hello World" and I simply typed in: "click echo Hello World".
I wanted to move the button or a complicated GUI object with the mouse I simply typed in: "click shallmove" (depends what name you will use).
And the syntax is very variable. But the laguage don't have, what other programming languages have:
operators: dont't need, because you can define functions with operator syntax
variables: don't need, because you can define functions with variable syntax
keywords: don't need, because you can define functions with keyword syntax
And very interesting: it's not only a language, it's also an interface which connects C or C++ with other languages, which have a C or C++ interface. I implemented an interface to "squirrel". And it doesn't matter, in which language you implement your functions: C, C++, suirrel or my language (maybe "lua" could also be interesting). It's all connected and all the same.
It's a pity, I began, when a had no work and had time. Now I have work, but no time for finishing this project. Maybe you are interested? Most of it is about GUI programming. But the implementation was made quick and dirty and would need some rework. I don't have time yet. Maybe you have?
The language works like an interpreter, but can also compile.
You write a function, for example:
1 2 3 4
function multyply(a,b)
return a * b;
This function works, but maybe not so fast as you wish. If you want it fast, then you write the following line:
compile multiply
And now you have a function with a good performance.
And if this wouldn't be fast enough, you can write the function in C/C++.
I don't know, whether such a project would be interesting for you.