help a newbie out =)

I know I am been asking this question. But I am so close and I don't understand what to do. I can get everything to work just fine but one thing. It prints out the scores fine in order but then the test number doesnt print out right. for example I have test 1 i got 65 and test 2 got a 45 it will say test one got the 45 and test to got the 65 when it prints out and im unsure how to fix it. here is my code

// compiler directives
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// constant identifiers
const int MAXSIZE = 10;

// function prototypes
void GetData(int TestScoresf[]);
void ComputeAvg(int TestScoresf[],float &Avgf);
void PrintReport(int TestScoresf[],float Avgf);
void PrintSorted(int TestScoresf[],float Avgf);

// main program
int main()
// local identifiers
int TestScores[MAXSIZE],temp[MAXSIZE];
float Avg, unnsorted_list;
//Input modale
//processing module
//output module

system ("PAUSE");
return 0 ;
}//end main

// function definitions
void GetData (int TestScores[ ])
for (int i=0; i <MAXSIZE; i++)
cout<<"please enter the test score #"<<i+1<<":\t";


// end GetData

void ComputeAvg( int TestScoresf[],float&Avgf)


float sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i <MAXSIZE; i++)
sum = sum+ TestScoresf[i];
Avgf = float(sum)/MAXSIZE;
} //end ComputeAvg

void PrintReport (int TestScoresf[], float Avgf)

//Local variable declarations.
int first_unsort = 0;
int other_unsort = 0;
int pos_min = 0;
int min = 0;
int temp = 0;
int index = 0;

//Starts the sorting process, explained above.
for (first_unsort = 0; first_unsort < 10; first_unsort++)
min = TestScoresf[first_unsort];
pos_min = first_unsort;

for (other_unsort = first_unsort +1; other_unsort < 10;
if (TestScoresf[other_unsort] < min)
min = TestScoresf[other_unsort];
pos_min = other_unsort;

//Values are exchanged.
temp = TestScoresf[first_unsort];
TestScoresf[first_unsort] = min;
TestScoresf[pos_min] = temp;

for(int i = 0; i <MAXSIZE; i ++)
cout<<"test score average:\t"<<Avgf<<endl;

for (int i = 0; i < MAXSIZE; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < MAXSIZE; j++)
if (TestScoresf[j] < TestScoresf[i])
temp = TestScoresf[i];
TestScoresf[i] = TestScoresf[j];
TestScoresf[j] = temp;

// end print Report
void printsorted (int TestScoresf[], float Avg);


p.s I am really new so if you could dumb it down to a newbie answer that I could understand that would be awesome =D
Post your code correctly so its easy to read and people will be more willing to help you out.
By correctly he means using code wrap [.code][./code] without the dots, and indent it properly.
Your code makes no sense. There are random brackets everywhere.
I think whatever method you use to sort it wont keep track of the right test numbers , unless you save each grade with respect to its test number you wont succeed.
Try to check the code i pasted on your last thread.
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