Gauging my level of experiance

Hello. I have been using C++ for a few months now and I want a good opertunity to test out how good I am. The trouble is, I cant think of any programming projects I could embark on that would really push the knowlage of a beginner C++ programmer, but is still possible for a newbie to compleate. I have tried a few things, like writing my own calculator and a simple spreadsheet program but I found them pretty easy to make after I tackled a few issues I was having making them. So if someone could be kind enough to give a project to embark on that would really push the knowlage of a begginer programmer I would be very, very grateful :)
Just do whatever you're interested in, we can't know what that is. Write a simple HTTP Server, an IRC bot and/or server, a breakout clone, a simple virtual machine, a top-down RPG, a program for editing and adding effects to audio files, a Paint-like drawing program...
c++ 11 added a couple containers to the standard. If you want a challenge, implement unordered_set (i.e., hash set), and make it work like all the other containers, while being as 'optimal' as possible. Post code, and people can help where you need it. It's not really a beginner project, but that's why it may help you learn.
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