I'm a little unsure of how to contain it (array, vector, list)
Still simplified, say the file is series of integers followed by a string of that length. In fact, lets say the file starts with an integer defining the amount of words.
I need a container of Entry. It is simple enough to make the dynamic array of entries, but this is a step away from the whole point of the program.
I've tried making std::list<Entry> and std::list<Entry*>, but these both give me memory problems.
Can a list have dynamically allocated memory in it? I was having similar problems with Vectors. I must not be using something correctly
Sure they can. Every container should be able to accomodate both Entry and Entry* members, but it's usually better to use pointers because dynamically allocated members have "infinite" scope. So deciding which container to use should be determined by usage (e.g. lots of random access = vector, lots of insertion and deletion = list, etc.) Creating your container shouldn't be that hard. Try it like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
// create your container
std::vector<Entry*> vec;
// add some elements
vec.push_back(new Entry);
vec.push_back(new Entry);
// don't forget to deallocate all of your memory
for (std::vector<Entry*>::iterator iter = vec.begin();
iter != vec.end(); ++iter) {
delete *iter;
*iter = NULL;
Also, you're going to need to out some code in your constructor to dynamically allocate word or your deconstructor will cause the program to crash :/