Help with multiple classes

So for my assignment i have a date class, time class, event class and schedule class. THis is part b of an assignment. For part A, I had to make the event class using classes time and date. So for part B he gave us the correct event class in case we messed up.

The main source is using the schedule class. We have this in the schedule.h file

Scheduler(Event E[10], int size);

I implemented it into my cpp file like this :

// Constructor
Scheduler::Scheduler(Event E[10], int size)


So i guess im supposed to be using something from the event class, but i'm not sure how to implement a different class into my scheduler class. If anyone can send me some kind of references or beginner guides i would appreciate it. Everything i find on google seems complicated. For the assignment we are to create 10 events, so im guessing that E[10] is supposed to be an array for all 10 assignments. =/
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